Neutron Scattering Research Group




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Discovering the Secrets of the Universe through Neutron Scattering

Our research group uses cutting-edge techniques to study the behavior of different materials as they interact with Neutrons, revealing insights into the structure and properties of everything from biological molecules to advanced materials.


Why Neutron Scattering is important?

Neutron scattering is a unique tool that allows scientists to probe the inner workings of materials and understand how they behave on a molecular level. It’s particularly useful for studying materials that are difficult to analyze using other techniques, such as liquids, glasses, and polymers. Some of the key benefits of neutron scattering include:

  • High sensitivity to light elements such as hydrogen and lithium.
  • Ability to study materials in their natural state, without the need for chemical modification.
  • Highly accurate measurements of atomic and molecular structures.
  • Ability to explore dynamic processes such as diffusion and phase transitions.

Applications of Neutron Scattering

One of the exciting aspects of neutron scattering is its wide range of applications across many different fields. Here are just a few examples of how neutron scattering is being used today:

Materials Science
In materials science, neutron scattering can be used to understand the properties of advanced materials such as batteries, superconductors, and magnetic materials. By understanding the atomic and molecular structure of these materials, scientists can design new materials with improved properties.

Neutron scattering is also playing an increasingly important role in biology, where it’s used to study the structures of large biological molecules such as proteins and DNA. By understanding the structure of these molecules, scientists can develop new drugs and treatments for a wide range of diseases.

Finally, neutron scattering is critical for understanding how energy is produced, stored, and used. For example, it’s being used to understand the behavior of nuclear fuels and to develop materials for more efficient solar cells and energy storage devices.

Learn from Top Experts in the Field

If you’re interested in neutron scattering, there’s no better way to learn than by working with top experts in the field. Our research group offers hands-on experience with state-of-the-art equipment and techniques, as well as the opportunity to collaborate with leading scientists from around the world.

Whether you’re a student just starting out or an experienced researcher looking to expand your skills, neutron scattering has something to offer. Join us and uncover the mysteries of the universe!


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